In a groundbreaking announcement made during the recent Cosmoverse conference in Istanbul, Stride Zone has sent shockwaves through the blockchain community by proposing a merger with the Cosmos Hub. This...
Quasar is a groundbreaking decentralized app-chain designed to revolutionize asset management across multiple blockchains. By utilizing smart contracts called “vaults,” Quasar empowers liquidity providers with greater control over their assets...
We are excited to introduce the 01Node Faucet, a powerful tool designed to simplify the acquisition of Goerli Ethereum (ETH) for testing and development purposes. At 01Node, we...
Injective is a specialized interoperable layer one protocol for building powerful exchange, DeFi, derivatives, and Web3 applications. Injective prides itself on being the future of Web3.
Namada is a privacy-focused blockchain protocol that aims to provide a secure and decentralized ecosystem for its users. It achieves this by utilizing innovative privacy features that ensure the confidentiality,...