Celestia – Thinking About Modularity Featured Image

Celestia: Thinking about Modularity – Projects built on Celestia

April 1, 2024 written by 01NODE

Lately, the Celestia blockchain has been creating quite a buzz on various blogs and Twitter feeds, and it’s not just for show. With their mainnet launch, an intriguing airdrop, and the growing interest in token prices and projects developing on their blockchain, Celestia is undeniably capturing the attention of the crypto community.

Let's Get to Know Celestia

Celestia isn’t your typical blockchain; it’s a modular data availability network designed to scale securely with the number of users. Its primary goal is to address the scalability and stability issues that have plagued monolithic blockchains such as Ethereum and Solana. This involves creating a new space for hosting and accessing the vast amount of data generated by the rapidly expanding ecosystems of “layer 2” networks that operate on top of the primary “layer 1” blockchains.


Modular Blockchain is a design concept that separates essential functions, in contrast to earlier digital currency blockchains like Bitcoin or Ethereum, where all functions are interconnected. These are known as Monolithic blockchains.

How Celestia Works its Magic

At the heart of Celestia’s functionality are the TIA tokens, playing a crucial role in how developers build on this innovative modular blockchain network. To leverage Celestia for data availability, rollup developers submit a transaction called “PayForBlobs” on the network, paying the fee in TIA tokens.

Modular blockchains take a different approach compared to monolithic ones. Instead of a single blockchain handling all functions, modular blockchains specialize and optimize for specific tasks. This design prioritizes speed and execution, a departure from monolithic blockchains that sacrifice decentralization or security for scalability.

What Makes Celestia Stand Out?

Celestia’s modularity addresses significant issues faced by traditional blockchains: Limited Space, High Costs, and Accessibility Problems. While monolithic blockchains perform all tasks, modular blockchains, like Celestia, separate essential functions, offering a more efficient solution.

A standout feature of Celestia is its data availability sampling (DAS). This is a method to verify all data available on the blockchain. Users running light nodes – suitable for smaller computers with less computational power – can verify data availability without downloading all the data for a block. Through multiple rounds of random sampling, these light nodes gain confidence that the data is indeed available.

Projects Building on Celestia Blockchain

Projects building on Celestia are embracing the modular expansion. Let’s take a look at some projects building and partnering with Celestia: Rollups, Infrastructure, Crosschains, Wallet, etc.

Rollup: Alpha DuneAs MatchAstriaCurioDarkDeriEclipseHokumKintoLast L2LightLinkManta NetworkMovement LabsNebula GardenOjoPlume NetworkShogunSyndrUniDexZekoZKFair

RAAS: AltLayerAstriaCalderaConduitGatewayGelatoKarnotLumozSnapchainVistaraZeeve

Infrastructure: AoriArcMarlinNebraNoblePrivyRedstoneRisc ZeroZeroDev

Crosschain: AxelarCatalystHyperlaneMitosisPolyhedraOrb LabsSquidUnionWormhole

Rollup Framework: Arbitrum OrbitDymintKeystoneOP StackPolygon CDKRollkitSovereign SDKStackrCartesi

Settlement Layer: ArgusBera ChainDymensionInitiaNeutronOsmosisSaga

Wallet:  CosmologyCosmostationKeplrLeap

A Step-by-Step Staking Guide

Step 1: Log into Keplr and connect your account.

Step 2: Search for the Celestia Chain and locate 01node Validator.

Step 3: Click on the 01node validator and input the amount of $TIA you wish to stake.

Step 4: Click ‘Stake’ and follow the staking process.

Step 5: Approve the transaction. Congratulations, you have successfully staked TIA with 01node!

Wrapping It Up

In conclusion, the modular design of Celestia significantly overcomes limitations related to how applications and blockchains are traditionally built. This flexible design accommodates everything from cutting-edge hardware to unique privacy models, providing a new architectural approach to blockchain. This flexibility caters to developers, allowing them to create tailored solutions based on their specific needs. The Celestia blockchain is truly paving the way for a more scalable and accessible blockchain ecosystem.

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